“I like to leave out the parts the readers skip over.”
Elmore Leonard, from after THE END by Barry Lane, pp. 207
It is amazing to me that a whole year has passed by since I began this blog with the encouragement and help of Alisha and Edward. Though I was slow to act upon their suggestions, I have enjoyed the experience. Thanks to all you who have found something of interest and have taken time to comment on my words. Those comments make it worthwhile to continue to share the simple thoughts and ideas that I have written.
As before, the writing I am posting was produced in the past, and after some thought and often revision, I am publishing it here on the web. It is not usually written the week it is published, as it is difficult for me to think, write, and polish something new each week. Most of my writing needs some ‘ageing’ before it is ready to be shared. Also, I will be posting some things written by family members and others, with their permission. This will add a bit of variety and some new voices to the blog which I think will be interesting. If you would like to contribute something, let me know and we will try to include it.
May you enjoy these samples of shortened text and find in them something to encourage your day, something that rings true to you.
Let us celebrate together the joys, challenges, and vitality of daily life here on this beautiful earth.
The first offering in November is a tribute to my Mother who was an unselfish woman and a great inspiration. Autumn was her favorite time of the year when the crops were in, the bottled fruit on the shelf, and the children starting a new year in school. She read poetry to me when I was really too young to understand “Evangeline” or “The Courtship of Miles Standish” but her voice, the rhythm, the feelings still ring in my ears. I found the writing of this piece so much fun and my personal understanding of her life was greatly enriched.
Cerita M. Hewett
November 2016