He Lives

                                             I do not know why

                                                      Christmas came

                                                               So fast.

                                             In other days

                                                      It always came

                                                               ‘At last!’

                                             And yet its sounds

                                                      And smells,

                                                               And light,

                                             Are welcome to this

                                                      Mortal’s ears

                                                               And sight.

                                             Because that Holy Baby’s

                                                      Birth and


                                             Awakens once again my heart,

                                                      And pries it

                                                               Open wide,

                                             Until I smile,

                                                      And laugh,

                                                               And give

                                             My heart again to Him,

                                                      Who lived and died,

                                                               And yet still lives.

                                                                                                            Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                                            December 2, 2013


The Greatest Gift

                                       I’m glad that Jesus Christ was born,

                                       In a stable long ago,

                                       And that He lived a life of love,

                                       Showing us the way of Joy.


                                       In dark Gethsemane, I know

                                       Christ paid the price of sin,

                                       And then He suffered on the cross,

                                       That we might live like Him.


                                       Thus on that bright first Easter morn,

                                      He rose triumphantly,

                                      To carry all who live on Earth,

                                       Into Eternity.


                                        I’m grateful for Christ’s humble birth,

                                       His life of kindness so supreme,

                                       His willing, caring sacrifice,

                                       That brings us home to God again.


                                      May we now living in the World,

                                      Make room within our humble hearts,

                                      To welcome daily from above,

                                      His healing, atoning, Gift of Love.

                                                                                                    Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                                    December 2012