Lullaby and Music



Sleep, sleep for the sun has gone,

Sleep, sleep now our play is done,

Sleep, sleep after we pray,

Sleep, sleep at the end of day.


Rest, rest little arms and legs,

Rest, rest each strong muscle begs,

Rest, rest tiny ears, sparkling eyes,

Rest, rest as the night time flies.


Peace, peace from the day’s fast whirl,

Peace, peace for your tiny world,

Peace, peace in your heart of mirth,

Peace, peace in your home on earth.

Cerita M. Hewett

March 28, 2009                                                          





                                    The door was opened for a minute,

                                    I could hear the voices of children,

                                    Calling, chasing, jumping, laughing,

                                    Playing in front of the temple,

                                    This was music to my ears!

                                                                                                            Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                                            Sept. 17, 2010





                                    La puerta estaba abierta por un minuto,

                                    Podía escuchar las voces de los niños,

                                    Llamando, dando caza, saltando, rizando,

                                    Jugando de frente del templo,

                                    ¡Esta fue música a mis oídos!

                                                                                                                        Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                                                        Sept. 17, 2010